Livestream Worship Services

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Click on the image to the left to be re-directed to the livestream of the Opening Worship Service of the 25th Minnesota North District Convention on February 23rd at 7pm.

Pastor Lovejoy Bible Study on the book of Romans

9/4/22 Romans

8/14/22 Romans 3:23

8/7/22 Romans 3: 21-26,

 The Righteousness of God Revealed by Faith Apart from the Law

7/31/22 Romans 3, continuing: 

What is spiritually impossible for us this side of the Eschaton?, What is "our righteousness"?. Is private confession a thing in Bible-adhering Lutheran churches?, What is the biblical definition of "Born Again"?, and other topics

7/24/22 Romans 3

What were the divisions among the Christians in 1st century Rome and how did Paul use the gospel to dispel them?, How could Paul say he was glad he had not personally baptized too many in Corinth?, Who were the Samaritans , what did they have to do with ancient Assyria, why were they disliked by many first century Jews, and why did Jesus feature one in a parable?, ... 


6/26/22 Romans 3: 19-20

What does it mean that "Every mouth may be silenced and the whole world be held accountable to God?"; How does God continue to speak to His creation?; God doesn't ask why I did a certain thing, only whether I'm guilty or not.; Can God both forgive and forget our sins?; Has your sin already been paid for?; How will people "give an account"?; ...
